Global Petroglyph Map Click on the region of the map to view the growing collection of petroglyph images.
Thanks to the internet, we have been able to assemble this growing collection from amateurs and professional archaeologists and to make side-by-side comparisons. We invite you, readers of Viewzone, to inspect these images, contribute your own finds, and help us to understand who made these, what they mean, and what implications does this global communication and culture have to our understanding of human history.
Links and documents are listed by geography.
TRANSLATED ARTIFACTS FROM YEMEN -- Links to our growing collection of Sabaean writing and translations using First Tongue.
Critique of W.F. Jamme's attempted Sabaean translations.
Petroglyphs from
The 2 photos show the similarity of images and symbols used to communicate in antiquity.
Other unexplained photos on this site:
If you have a suggestion or a photo to submit, send it to: |