Dear Viewzone:

I took the following picture of the sun and would like someone to explain why it looks like this!

The camera is a digital vivicam 3750 by vivitar with three mega pixels,and super resolution lens. The picture was taken about 4 in the afternoon on march 9th. It was cloudy,it was also about 75 to 80 degrees. If there's anything you need to know that would be helpful that I'm haven't said let me know! If these picture are not clear enoughlet me know! I did not want to do anything to it because i did not want it to look fake! Can you please tell me why the sun looked like this? It was not an eclipse. What is that dark thing?


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This is a safety device in the camera. When pointing the camera directly into the sun, you could damage some internal parts. This prevents it.

thanks, ken pfeifer /

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