Even up close, the wall appears to be constructed of huge stones, carved and fitted with the most impressive masonry skill. The joints are perfect and are even beveled.
Sue and I were intrigued by the story and trusted the sincerety of our
informant. However, the hills of Oklahoma are full of strange stories
and not all of them are true. We figured the worst that could happen was
that we'd have a nice Sunday in the mountains. After more than three
hours of driving, we found a house that fit the Colbert man's
description. We knocked on the door and were invited in by a 92 year old
resident of the area. The hill folk of Oklahoma are a warm, hospitable
people but the old gentleman could not recall hearing of any tablets,
though he did know much of what had occurred locally for most of the 20th
century. He told us of numerous places where rare flints were to be
found and mentioned an "old furnace" that a big timber company had
pushed down with bulldozers. His granddaughter graciously drove us up
the mountain roads to places her grandfather mentioned and which she had
explored as a girl. She pointed out the vicinity of two caves in the
steep bluffs but warned of the swarms of rattlesnakes up there this time
of year. We returned to our own vehicle and went back to see if we could
find any traces of the "little people."
Deterioration of the wall face has revealed something unexpected. The wall is not made of stones after all. Instead it is constructed of manufactured "cells" that show multiple layers of unknown minerals. This view shows the front of the "cells" exposed.
I went down into the dry river bed filled with massive boulders and
managed to climb to what appeared to be a cave. It turned out to be only
a deep overhang with no sign of human habitation. As I was climbing
back, I ran across the first of the "cell" formations badly eroded. It
looked odd but natural. Back on the road I discovered a collection of
crudely worked flints which appeared to be "blanks" discarded by
arrowhead hunters. It was as we turned the truck to go back down from
the crest that Sue said, "Stop and take a look at that block formation."
I climbed over charred pine logs to what appeared to be a section of
massive wall. Not far from there I found the first section of clearly
defined "cells" which seemed to be separating from the dense limestone.
They seemed to have been "melted" on some way. They were so dense and
black, I was almost sure they were iron. Later I tested a section at
home with an industrial magnet but it did not react.
This view was taken from the top of the wall, looking over the edge. Notice the bands of minerals and the precision with which the "cells" fit together.
Sue began photographing the wall and cells while I climbed over two more
"parapets" to the summit. What I saw there began to seep into my brain
like ice water. Jumbled about in a haphazard fashion were acres of
squared, dressed and notched stones. It was eerie standing on those
shattered ramparts with all those tumbled stones like a desecrated
cemetery. My mind suddenly flashed back to 1979 standing in the ruined
streets of Copan in Honduras. The same massive blocks pushed apart by
tropical fig trees. Instantly, the realization gripped me that I was
standing atop an enormous ruin of cyclopean proportions. Sue struggled
up the final wall to join me in the 100 degree evening. It was her turn
to be numbed. "This thing is HUGE!" she kept mumbling. By that time we
were shaking with heat and exhaustion. I remember asking her over and
over, "Are we seeing things? Is this real?"
The cells resemble a honeycomb. What type of substance is contained in these cells? Here we can see an opened cell along side an intact one.
Darkness was descending quickly and those snaky places are not where one
wants to grope around in the night. We drove away in a state of shock.
We were beginning to convince ourselves that it was all a delusion when
the film came back from the developer. Our jaws dropped and our minds
returned to a proper state of awe and wonder. We showed the pictures and
the "cell" sample to staff members and salespeople and asked, "What do
you think this is?" The answer was always the same, "I dunno but it
ain't natural."
We sent a few black and white jpgs to Frank Joseph at Ancient American
for his opinion but as yet have not had a reply. Then we sent some color
jpgs to Gary Vey, here at Viewzone. His reply was rapid and
enthusiastic, to say the least. We returned for a second expedition and
took many more pictures. We also learned that the "Aztecs" had smelted
gold up there and that even in historic times, the Choctaws had known of
the mine. They used it to trade for salt at Fort Towson up until the
first quarter of the 20th century.
I came across an interesting website which detailed the prehistoric
copper and iron furnaces in Ohio, Georgia, Virginia, New Mexico and
Arizona. One in Ohio is almost identical to the site we found, even to
the configuration of the hilltop and it's fortress walls. This ties into
what Gene Matlock has said elsewhere in Viewzone about the origins of
Coronado's "Gran Quivera." I had written of a renegade Spanish
expedition which came as far as eastern Oklahoma before being driven
back to die on the Purgatory River. They believed the Tanoan and Caddoan
accounts of the seven cities of Cibola, though Coronado thought them a
lie. I think the story of Gran Quivera is true but that it had been
abandoned long before the 16th century. I am going out on a limb here,
but I have no professional reputation to lose. I believe that Sue and I
found an ancient Phoenician fortress and furnace and that it may be the
remains of one of the "mythical" cities of Cibola. Meanwhile, our
investigations are far from over.
ViewZone welcomes comments and suggestions concerning this research. It appears evident that there is much of our history that has been lost to time and a variety of social and political agendas. We ask your help in seeking the truth. - Editor.
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