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If you or your parents received a polio vaccination in the 50's, you likely received something deadly in the mix... Watch this!: Interview with Dr. Maurice Hilleman from Merck Pharmaceuticals on how they introduced SV-40 cancer virus in their vaccines and also how AIDs was introduced to the public from Africa!
This is the smoking gun of cancer and AIDs! My story... It was 1956. I was only six years old and attended grade school in Springfield, Massachusetts. I was too young to recollect the first round of polio vaccinations, but I have a few memories. I remember that my first grade class was escorted to the school gymnasium. There was a peculiar smell in the air. I think it was probably rubbing alcohol. And some of the other kids were crying. The shot itself wasn't so bad. I didn't cry, but my best friend did. At the end of the ordeal we all got a lollipop. A few years later, when we marched again to the gymnasium it was different. There was no crying and no alcohol odor. Instead, there were long tables bearing neat rows of small paper cups, filled about half way with a liquid that tasted like bitter orange juice. White clad Nurses watched as each child drank the vaccine. There was no lollipop and, after we handed back the cup, we simply returned to class. The government had initiated the mandatory polio vaccination programs in 1955. Prior to this, polio had killed or crippled thousands of children and adults all over the world. Attacking the central nervous system, this viral infection was transmitted by human contact, sewage and even by contaminated milk. Victims who contracted polio would incubate the virus in their intestines, where it would multiply and enter the lymphatic system. Eventually the virus would penetrate the nerves and travel along nerve paths, destroying neurons and rendering the muscles connected to them paralyzed. The polio epidemic reached its height in 1952. It turned thousands of victims into cripples and confined countless children to large pressure chambers called "iron lungs," which helped them to breath when their diaphragm muscles were stilled. There was and still is no treatment for polio. Aside from attempts to maintain life functions, the disease must run its course. And so, in 1955, just one year before I received it, Jonas Salk had performed no small miracle when he successfully mass-produced an effective polio vaccine by growing a form of the virus on the kidneys of rhesus monkeys. This virus would be harvested, killed, and given to healthy children like me, who would then develop antibodies which would kill any future invasion of the body by the polio virus. This happy story of medical marvel has a deadly glitch. And it is especially deadly if, like me, you received your vaccinations in the 1950s, in certain states like Massachusetts. In 1960, researchers discovered that the polio vaccine distributed to certain states was infected with another virus called "Simian Virus 40." SV-40 is a monkey virus that is not normally found in humans. Unknown at the time, it was present in hundreds of rhesus monkeys that were used to grow and harvest the polio vaccine. Injected into research animals, the SV-40 virus causes brain and lung cancers. Now, some forty years later, its effect on humans is just being investigated.
"SV-40 has appeared in 61% of all new cancer patients -- patients too young to have received the contaminated vaccine being administered forty years ago!" Michele Carbone, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola University in Chicago, has recently isolated fragments of the SV-40 virus in human bone cancers and in a lethal form of lung cancer called mesothelioma. He found SV-40 in 33% of the osteosarcoma bone cancers studied, in 40% of other bone cancers, and in 60% of the mesotheliomas lung cancers. Dr. Carbone believes this study explains why 50% of the current mesotheliomas being treated were no longer occurring in association with asbestos exposure, their traditional cause. Researchers from the Institute of Histology and General Embryology of the University of Ferrara, lead by Dr. Fernanda Martini, discovered SV-40's presence in a variety other tumors. They found the rhesus monkey virus in 83% of choriod plexus papillomas, in 73% of ependymomas, in 47% of astrocytomas, in 50% of glioblastomas, and in 14% of meningiomas. SV-40 also has been found in 23% of blood samples and 45% of sperm fluids taken from normal individuals! Researchers have determined the SV-40 virus can be transmitted sexually and through blood transfusions. Even more shocking, SV-40 has appeared in 61% of all new cancer patients -- patients even too young to have received the contaminated vaccine being administered forty years ago! How could this happen? My second vaccination was from a cup. This was the brainstorm of the FDA. Instead of getting the "dead" virus in an injection, the Federal vaccination policy mandated that children should be given the new live "oral polio vaccine" (OPV). This decision was based upon the belief that the OPV recipient would "shed" the virus through body contact with other non-vaccinated children and adults, thereby spreading the "live" virus throughout the population. Since the infection was extremely small, it would produce the desired antibodies while posing no threat of contracting polio. This, it was thought, would assure the total immunization of America and the eradication of the disease. The public was never informed that this national health strategy was being implemented, despite several cases of polio which were directly attributed to the vaccine.
By 1963, the estimated number of tainted polio vaccinations was estimated to be upwards of 98-million! The SV-40 virus that contaminated the oral polio vaccine quickly spread from child to child and from child to adult, crossing state lines and national boundaries. By 1960, when the virus was first detected, it was already too late to prevent its dissemination throughout the population. The FDA quietly and gradually instituted a program to eliminate rhesus monkeys, who harbor the SV-40, and replace them with African Green monkeys that are free of the virus. By 1963 the monkeys had been replaced but the estimated number of tainted polio vaccinations was estimated to be 98-million!
According to the National Institutes of Health, high levels of SV-40 were identified in polio vaccines in Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, Utah, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Maryland, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire. Low levels of SV-40 were found in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Missouri, Louisiana, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. This revelation has only recently come to public attention. Many people, like myself, were unaware that a potential for cancer had been implanted in their body. Researchers say that, by age fifteen, the virus stops shedding to others. I cannot but wonder how many people I contacted between the age of eight and fifteen... Did I shed the SV-40 virus to my mother, who eventually died of brain cancer? Will I contract brain, lung or bone cancer? Many other people in my age group are asking similar questions. A number of public statements have been made by the National Cancer Institute in the past few months, attempting to put their spin on these disturbing revelations. In an statement published in the January (1999) New England Journal of Medicine, the institute states that there is no evidence of an increase in humans of the types of cancers found in laboratory animals that have been injected with SV-40. But other researchers remind us that SV-40 has already been found in a wide variety of other tumors. It has been shown that individuals who received the tainted oral vaccine demonstrate a higher occurrence of these cancers. For example: people who lived in Massachusetts and Illinois in the 1950s, and received identified lot numbers of the contaminated oral vaccine, are now contracting osteosarcoma bone tumors at a rate of ten times more than those who received the vaccine free of the SV-40.But the National Cancer Institute has been silent about these facts. There needs to be more demographic studies to explore the relationship of SV-40 to adult onset cancers. Not surprisingly, the US government and its agencies are reluctant to pursue this matter. In fact, requests to the National Institute for Health for grants to study the SIV and simian cyto-megalovirus (SCMV) were recently denied. Microbiologist Howard Urnovitz, Ph.D., may have an explanation as he stated in the Boston Globe:
"That almost 100 million Americans were exposed (to SV-40) through a government sponsored program, but for over 30 years, there has been virtually no government effort to see if anyone's been harmed by the exposure." He added, "The government will not fund science that makes it look culpable." Another method used by the National Cancer Institute to divert public concern is to issue statements that "many of the cancers under suspicion were contracted by people who are too young to have received the tainted vaccine in the 1950s." This argument, although true, ignores the potential of spreading the live SV-40 by "shedding" through personal contact. The oral polio vaccine was designed to be transmitted to non-vaccinated individuals by this very method. In fact, this was the reason that OPV was preferred over injection. If SV-40 is still being spread by contact today it is not surprising that these cancers are now affecting younger people. Regardless of blame, severe damage to world health has already been done by the unsavory practice of growing vaccination products in animals. An example of these horrors was presented by Dr. Urnovitz at the Eighth Annual Houston Conference on AIDS. Dr. Urnovitz revealed significant evidence that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a monkey hybrid virus which was produced when 320,000 Africans were injected with polio virus contaminated with live simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in the late 1950's.Apparently, viral fragments combine easily with other viruses to produce these hybrids called "chimeras." Prior to this revelation, health officials were blaming AIDS on the habit of certain Africans to consume monkey flesh. What can be done now? "Make it in anything but animals," said Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center, which criticizes vaccine safety. "We have the technology to make vaccines in human cell lines that are clean," said Dr. Michele Carbone of Loyola University Medical Center, one of the first to discover SV-40 inside human tumors. Until then we can only hope that researchers continue their work, regardless of the repercussions. Millions of people are already infected with SV-40 and are in danger. Many cancers do not develop until mid-life. Future generations must be protected. We must prohibit any future contamination of the world population, whether for our own good or not, by well-meaning governmental agencies. Monkey Virus -- Cancer Link The following article appeared in the NY Times on October 22, 2002, partially quoted as follows:
Monkey Virus -- Cancer Link Debated (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) The test described in this article was to compare the group of people who got the original "live" virus in the 1950's, in school immunization programs, with the cancer rates of the general population. But, remember, the whole purpose of the mandatory "live" virus immunization program was to make sure that EVERYONE was exposed to the new batches of vaccine. This was done by having innoculated children "shed" the virus to others -- their parents, other children and virtually anyone that had contact with them after they were vaccinated. In other words, the entire American population was subjected to the SV-40 in either the original innoculation or from the shedding. So it is natural that the rates of cancer would be no different between the school children and anyone else that they infected. On the whole, cancer rates have sky-rocketed, especially those rare forms related to the SV40, yet this type of misleading (i.e. lies) is typical of what the current administration and Federal offices are attempting to do with everything from the threat of Iraq to the infecting of its own population in the past. If you want to get involved in a potential class action suit, you might want to contact a woman whose daughter contracted one of these rare forms of cancer (medulloblastoma), attributed to the SV40 contamination. Not only does she suffer from having her child impacted by this horrible governmental error, but she also has the uncertain guilt of possibly infecting her daughter from her own exposure to the live virus back in the 1950s. UPDATE ON VACCINE MISTAKES Rotarix rotavirus vaccine contaminated, officials say! (CNN) (March 2010) Federal health authorities recommended Monday that doctors suspend using Rotarix, one of two vaccines licensed in the United States against rotavirus, saying the vaccine is contaminated with material from a pig virus. "There is no evidence at this time that this material poses a safety risk," Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg told reporters in a conference call. Rotarix, made by GlaxoSmithKline, was approved by the FDA in 2008. The contaminant material is DNA from porcine circovirus 1, a virus from pigs that is not known to cause disease in humans or animals, Hamburg said. About 1 million children in the United States and about 30 million worldwide have gotten Rotarix vaccine, she said. Rotavirus disease kills more than 500,000 infants around the world each year, primarily in low- and middle-income countries, she said. Before rotavirus vaccine became available, the disease was blamed for more than 50,000 hospitalizations and several dozen deaths per year in the United States, she said. The FDA learned about the contamination after an academic research team using a novel technique to look for viruses in a range of vaccines found the material in GlaxoSmithKline's product and told the company, Hamburg said. The drug maker confirmed its presence in both the cell bank and the seed from which the vaccine is derived, suggesting its presence from the early stages of vaccine development, she said. The FDA then confirmed the drug maker's findings. GlaxoSmithKline emphasized Monday that the pig virus is not known to cause illness in humans, saying "it is found in everyday meat products and is frequently eaten with no resulting disease or illness." "No safety issue has been identified by external agencies or GSK," Thomas Breuer, the drug maker's chief medical officer, said in a written statement. "GSK is committed to patient safety and to the highest manufacturing standards for all our vaccines and medicines. We are already working closely and discussing this finding with regulatory agencies around the world." Another vaccine, RotaTeq, is made by Merck and was approved in 2006. There is no evidence that the Merck product is affected, Hamburg said. Both vaccines are given by mouth to infants to prevent rotavirus disease, which is marked by severe diarrhea and dehydration. Asked whether Merck would be able to meet the nation's demand, Merck spokeswoman Pam Eisele said, "Obviously, we will work with the ... FDA to evaluate supply needs." In the next four to six weeks, the drug agency will convene an advisory committee to make recommendations and seek input on the use of new techniques for identifying viruses in vaccine, Hamburg said. "We're not pulling it from the market, we're just suspending its use during this period while we're collecting more information," she said. "It should not be in this vaccine product and we want to understand how it got there. It's not an easy call and we spent many long hours debating the pros and cons but, because we have an alternative product and because the background rates of this disease are not so severe in this country, we felt that the judicious thing to do was to take a pause, to really ask the critical questions about what this material was doing in the vaccine, how it got there." Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, said "a substantial amount" of the DNA was found in the vaccine. But, he stressed, "there is no evidence that it causes any disease. ... There is no evidence that it ever does anything." The research group that discovered the contamination has asked not to be identified pending its paper's publication in a scientific journal, Hamburg said. Anyone who has already received a dose of Rotarix should switch to the Merck product for the next two doses, Hamburg said. Preliminary testing of the Merck product has found no evidence of the porcine circovirus 1 DNA, she said. Doctors should be able to tell parents which of the two products their children received, she said. Hamburg stressed that the suspension applies only to the United States. Public health officials in countries where the incidence of rotavirus is more severe may decide that the benefits of continuing to use the vaccine outweigh any concerns raised by the contamination, she said. "Such a decision would be very understandable," she added. A similar virus, porcine circovirus 2, also does not cause disease in humans, but it does cause disease in its pig host, Hamburg said.