
" I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."
-- D. H. Lawrence

The Hard Part

This next part is difficult for me. Here is where I try to use the facts I have discussed and make sense of what is going on. In doing so, I am going to offend many people's strongly held beliefs about their god, their prophets and their lives.

The world we live in today has so many conflicts that are the direct result of that post-bicameral voice -- the one that spoke to Abraham -- the one who told Moses it was Yahweh. While this may seem to be an exaggeration, it clearly is not. This Yahweh voice is still actively directing human affairs at the highest levels and, to be quite frank, pretty much runs the show here on this world.

The advantage of being conscious, at a time when most people were not, allowed these select few "aware" people to exert power and control over their neighbors. Their obedience to the Yahweh voice became the basis of an exclusive culture that eventually dominated, and continues to dominate, the power structure and human affairs.

Is Yahweh real?

According to the scriptures, Yahweh singled out one human tribe that demonstrated consciousness and performed the un-natural intervention within the miraculous egg that, together with Abraham's sperm, grew to be Issac and Yahweh's offspring. Yahweh now had an investment in his "chosen people" and they had a physical (genetic) connection to him.

Were Abraham's offspring, through Isaac, genetically different? Did they perhaps have a thicker and more developed anterior commissure? Is this the reason that the Talmud speaks of those outside the tribe as non-human "cattle"? [source]

I am actually surprised that there is not more emphasis placed on this miracle birth. For one thing, it suggests that Yahweh can intervene in the physical realm of human reality, changing outcomes and showing preferential treatment for his own offspring. If this is the case then the Yahweh voice is that of an actual non-human, intelligent entity.

Taken as a whole, the Yahweh voice represents the worst aspects of human behavior. The Old Testament is full of examples of anger, vengeance, pride, deception, cruelty and selfishness. Mass genocides and atrocities, especially involving innocent children, are the hallmark of Yahweh's proclamations. Always there is the need for blood -- poured upon his altar or spread on the battlefield. If you are not one of his offspring, Yahweh is bad news and pure evil.

These racist, sadistic and narcissistic traits of Yahweh are the foundation of the world's most populous religions. It is no surprise then that the world is in such a state of violence, fear and chaos. But can we really blame Yahweh for this mess? What about the world's leaders... what connection do they have to the Yahweh voice?

A fork in the road

At this point in the story we must consider two possibilities regarding Yahweh. The first possibility is that Yahweh is not really an intelligent entity but is really the creation of our unconscious. I call this the Forbidden Planet scenario.

In this classic 1956 sci-fi film from MGM, astronauts visit a planet where the inhabitants have all vanished eons ago. The Krel, as they called themselves, left behind an enormous underground device (measured in miles) that was controlled by a console that had sensors which attached to one's head [above].

One of the scientists discovered that he could create real-looking objects -- even people -- just by thinking about them. With unlimited energy and the ability to create anything that they could imagine, the Krel had achieved, they thought, the ultimate technology. But there was a catch.

Because their thoughts contained suppressed narcissism, they created monsters that perpetuated fear and destruction. They made their unconscious jealousy, hatred and the wish for vengeance become real and it manifested in a horrific monster that destroyed everyone.

I think there is a possibility that Yahweh is an invention of the unconscious, perpetuated by our nostalgia and vestigial need to depend upon a voice of authority. Once established in the tribe of Abraham, it provided the same kind of guidance and protection as the statue of the bicameral god did in his time, but only to the tribe. Since Yahweh was in the heavens his focus of influence was unlimited and he travelled well. His narcissism and other negative traits can be considered the proof of his human origins.

It is odd though. In humans the negative traits of consciousness come from our realization that we are mortal -- that we have only a limited time to achieve our goals. This justifies our fear of not getting enough and motivates our jealousy, greed, hatred and vindictiveness. Being eternal, the god of the universe ought not to think this way with unlimited time to perfect his creation. So Yahweh, it seems, is not eternal. Like us, he will end.

In short, humans have chosen to invent a god that is as conscious as they are, with similar problems (anger, pride, jealousy etc.) to maintain order in their lives, satisfy their craving for the lost bicameral voice, and provide a solution for their anxiety and awareness of their mortality (Terror Management Theory). And for most, this is enough to get them by.

But there are many people in the world, especially those in positions of power and influence, who believe that the voice is very real, even personal. In fact, one could even say that it is because of their belief that they are in their advantageous positions.

Is Yahweh really Lucifer?

"Satan then was arguably a divine being destined to carry light and life to the nether world. He stands for the gift of free will and self conscious mind to man, a point which at once seduces and uplifts man, for with free will does the power to go astray. Satan is therefore man's teacher."
--Lucifer Theosophy Magazine

Whether or not you believe in spiritual beings, other-dimensional intelligences, demons or deities doesn't matter for consideration of this next option.

If Yahweh is not an invention of our mind then he must be real. And while Yahweh may not be real to you, it is real to the people that matter, the lawmakers, politicians and money controllers of the world.

The Queen of England recently went to visit her physician and was photographed being helped by her private nurse as she was discharged [above]. This bit of candid life surprised many viewers who noticed the elaborate Masonic and occult symbols on the nurse's belt and coat.

If you are just now hearing that the Masons worship Lucifer, you have some reading to do here in a previous story I wrote. And the tie back to the descendants of Yahweh and Abraham comes years later when King Solomon begins to build the Great Temple to Yahweh.

As Freemasons progress in their ascending steps of initiation, they learn in the third degree (step) that Masonic traditions begin with Hiram Abiff, who was the chief architect of Solomon's Temple. What allegedly started out as a kind of stone mason's trade union eventually became the repository of closely guarded secrets about the use of consciousness to dominate others and to have the advantage in business and politics of a like-minded group of associates, all paying homage to Yahweh, aka Lucifer.

The raison d'etre of Freemasonry is to change human culture and establish dissent from the natural order and equality which the bicameral voice once promoted.

Renowned Masonic historian, Henry L. Haywood (33rd), writes:

"The fraternity itself exists in order to keep fixed in a man a certain set of influence and in order to bring about certain changes in the world, etc.; its secrecy is a means to that end and helps to make such a purpose possible."
--The Great Teachings of Masonry Chapter 33

And the ties to the occult, Satanic world are often overtly stated:

"The Masonic Lodge is not a mere social organization but is composed of all who have bonded themselves together to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult.
--The Lost Keys of Masonry, by Manly P. Hall (33rd degree)

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!"
--Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, by Albert Pike (19th Degree of Grand Pontiff) p. 321

And let's not forget another quote from one of Freemason's top thinkers and writers, Albert Pike:

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effects of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
-- Albert Pike 33rd-degree, (letter 15 August 1871, addressed to Grand Master Guiseppie Mazzini 33rd-degree).

Lucifer is called the Light-bearer because he is responsible for consciousness, awareness of self and the resulting reality that is derived from it. Exactly how he could be responsible for this mental evolution is unclear to me. It could have been something initiated by the brain's adaptation to writing, as Julian Jaynes has suggested. Or it could have been the selective interbreeding of the tribe of Abraham after the hybrid Isaac's anterior commissure was altered genetically. These are just theories of course.

The important point to take away from this is that the belief in Lucifer as a superhuman deity has been adopted by the same shakers and movers that are responsible for what you and I have to live with in this world. You need only do your own research.

It has been said that only two presidents, Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy, were not Masons. A list of Freemasons will shock you. For example, evangelist and preacher, Billy Graham, was a high level Mason. Some historical figures who were Masons are: Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Mozart, Simon Bolivar, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, J. Edgar Hoover, Earl Warren, Jesse Jackson and... there is speculation that President Obama joined the cult, but it has not been proven.

Below: A Freemason admits to worship of Lucifer.

Then there are the other groups and cults that worship this ancient deity, Yahweh or Lucifer. If you are new to this topic, please check out the Bohemian Grove, made famous by mention in the Nixon Tapes and Skull and Bones, the Yale cult that both Bush (junior and senior) and John Kerry were members of and which they all refused to talk about.

If you can find it, there is a very revealing video that was secretly taken at one of the ceremonies at the Bohemian Grove. Many ex-presidents, corporation CEOs and international elite were in attendance... Let me find it for you. Remember, these are the people who are running this world that we live in right now!

Here's one of the initiation at the Skull and Bones club.

If you are really brave, check out The Franklin Cover-Up. This disclosure was so sensitive to politicians, especially to those in Washington D.C., that your name was submitted to Homeland Security if you tried to check the book out of a library (back in the George Bush era).

Please, this is a big deal. If you don't know about this or you doubt what I am saying then take a few minutes and look up these organizations. The important thing to remember is that even if you don't believe in Lucifer or Satan or whatever... these world rulers DO. You need to know this stuff. These people are running the world today!

One more that's too right on target to pass up...

So what now?

This was hard for me to write. It sometimes felt like a demon was pushing my pain button these past few days. If I take more pain pills then I cannot stay awake long enough to write. But the part about Yahweh is over now. I can fall back on my smoking to relieve the discomfort in my legs. Today it is something called "Big Cherry" with a fruity aftertaste... Please let me know your thoughts if you have come this far.

I'd like to explore some ways of reversing the obvious negative aspects of consciousness. Some others have realized these things I have discussed and have attempted remedies. I'd like to explore some of them. Are you with me?


